Your stomach is the size of your fist.
For good digestion you should only fill the stomach with 1/3 food, 1/3 beverage
and leave 1/3 of it empty.
When one eats too much, more than can fit in their stomach,
it’s like trying to put more food than can fit in your pot on the stove when
attempting to cook it. When a pot is over-full, the contents will not cook
properly and perhaps even spill over and stick to the sides. This creates a
kapha problem of accumulation of undigested food that becomes ama, or hard,
sticky toxins, that may cause obstructions and weaken the digestive capacity.
When one eats too little, their digestive fire can go wild
and burn the container. This is like putting a empty pot on the stove and
turning up the flame and burning it. Burning and weakening its structure, causing
inflammation and leaky gut.
When one eats too quickly and/or while one is stressed or moving
or, rather than sitting down and relaxing, their digestive fire will fluctuate.
This is like putting a pot on your stove and having a fan blowing on the fire.
The food will cook unevenly, if at all, and the uncooked/undigested food will
create heaviness and will not be absorbed for nutrition.
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